C library for handling MOBI format ebook documents
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CCBMeta functions structure
 CHTMLEntityHtml entity mapping to utf-8 sequence
 CMOBIArrayDynamic array of uint32_t values structure
 CMOBIBufferBuffer to read to/write from
 CMOBICookieDrm cookie data
 CMOBIDataMain structure holding all metadata and unparsed records data
 CMOBIDrmDrm data
 CMOBIExthDrmDrm components extracted from EXTH records
 CMOBIExthHeaderMetadata and data of a EXTH record. All records form a linked list
 CMOBIExthMetaEXTH tag metadata
 CMOBIFdstParsed FDST record
 CMOBIFileMetaMetadata of file types
 CMOBIFragmentStructure for links reconstruction
 CMOBIHuffCdicParsed data from HUFF and CDIC records needed to unpack huffman compressed text
 CMOBIIdxtParsed IDXT section (for internal INDX parsing)
 CMOBIIndexEntryParsed INDX index entry
 CMOBIIndexTagParsed tag for an index entry
 CMOBIIndxParsed INDX record
 CMOBIMobiHeaderMOBI header which follows Record 0 header
 CMOBIOrdtParsed ORDT sections (for internal INDX parsing)
 CMOBIPartReconstructed source file
 CMOBIPdbHeaderHeader of palmdoc database file
 CMOBIPdbRecordMetadata and data of a record. All records form a linked list
 CMOBIPk1Structure for PK1 routines
 CMOBIRawmlMain structure containing reconstructed source parts and indices
 CMOBIRecord0HeaderHeader of the Record 0 meta-record
 CMOBIResultResult data returned by mobi_search_links_kf7() and mobi_search_links_kf8()
 CMOBITagxParsed TAGX section (for internal INDX parsing)
 CMOBITrieTrie storing arrays of values for character keys
 CMOBIVoucherStructure for parsed drm record in record 0 header
 CMOBIXmlStateXml writer states list structure First element in the list is currently processed element. Last element is root of the document
 CNCXNCX index entry structure
 COPFOPF <package> element structure
 COPFcreatorOPF <dc:creator/> element structure
 COPFdateOPF <dc:date/> element structure
 COPFdcmetaOPF <dc-metadata/> element structure
 COPFguideOPF <guide> element structure
 COPFidentifierOPF <dc:identifier/> element structure
 COPFitemOPF element structure
 COPFmanifestOPF <manifest> element structure
 COPFmetaOPF <meta> element structure
 COPFmetadataOPF <metadata> element structure
 COPFreferenceOPF <reference> tag structure
 COPFspineOPF <spine> element structure
 COPFsrpOPF <srp> element structure
 COPFsubjectOPF <dc:subject/> element structure
 COPFxmetaOPF <x-metadata/> element structure
 CTAGXTagsTag entries in TAGX section (for internal INDX parsing)
 CxmlBufferBuffer for xml output. For libxml2 compatibility, it is a wrapper for MOBIBuffer
 CxmlTextWriterXml TextWriter structure